Tag: breach

  • China I-Soon Data Leak Details

    Data obtained from a cybersecurity vendor based in China, known to work closely with the Chinese government, has recently come to light, revealing a myriad of hacking tools and services. This disclosure, while lacking a definitive source, appears to be a deliberate leak by a discontented member of the group. The vendor under scrutiny, i-Soon…

  • Post Hoc Analysis: The Impact of IPS Securex Holdings Breached By Lockbit

    Introduction: Lockbit ransomware strikes again, and has breached one of Singapore’s major natsec companies in the private sector – IPSSecurex. In the wake of a recent breach at IPS Securex Holdings Limited, a company renowned for providing security products and integrated solutions, the repercussions extend far beyond the compromised digital walls. This post hoc analysis…

  • Cybersecurity Breaches in Startups

    In the fast-paced world of startups, where innovation is paramount and resources are often stretched thin, the specter of a cybersecurity breach can be particularly daunting. Unlike larger enterprises, startups face unique challenges when it comes to navigating the aftermath of a breach, especially when they are still in their growth stages or between funding…