Tag: pentest

  • Professional Penetration Testing

    Safeguarding Against Global Cyber Threats In an era defined by digi connectivity, the proliferation of cyber threats emanating from state-sponsored actors and rogue entities poses a formidable challenge. Today, we delve into the critical role of professional penetration testing in mitigating the risks posed by global cyber adversaries, including but not limited to, state actors…

  • Internal Network Pentest – High Level

    Internal network pentest, often referred to as internal pentesting, is a crucial component of an organization’s cybersecurity strategy. It involves simulated cyberattacks on an organization’s internal infrastructure to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses that could be exploited by malicious insiders or external attackers who have breached the perimeter defenses. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve…

  • Pentest Cost & Scoping Factors

    In the prevailing security landscape, it is imperative for nearly every organization to undertake network penetration testing, before a breach happens, and one of the major prevailing factors for smaller firms is the Pentest Cost. This strategic examination is not only cost-effective but also expeditious, with the majority of the effort concentrated in the initial…

  • Penetration Testing:Safeguarding Since 1960

    The advent of computers and technology in the 1940s marked a transformative era that opened new possibilities for humanity. As digital landscapes expanded, so did the need for robust cybersecurity measures. The concept of penetration testing, or “pentest,” emerged as an essential component of securing computer systems. This article delves into the evolution of penetration…

  • Vulnerability Assessment Services: Navigating Cybersecurity Risks with Precision

    Vulnerability assessment services have emerged as a crucial component in the defense against cyber threats, offering organizations a proactive and systematic approach to identifying, prioritizing, and mitigating potential security risks. This exploration delves into the intricacies of vulnerability assessment services, examining their importance, methodologies, key benefits, and the role they play in fostering a resilient…

  • Evolution of Cybers: Network Pentesting

    This post will delve on 17 technologies that changed network pentesting in the past 24 years, since I was addicted to the internet basically. Here are the list of the 17 tech’s that have changed the landscape for both offensive and defensive cybersecurity practictioners. As a prelude of course, I first have to say that…

  • 17 Breaches – Internal Network Pentest Could Have Prevented

    Date Company How Breached Company URL News Article 2013-12-19 Target Malware on Point-of-Sale systems Target Target Data Breach – CNBC 2014-09-02 Home Depot Malware in point-of-sale systems Home Depot Home Depot Confirms Breach – KrebsOnSecurity 2017-09-07 Equifax Exploited a vulnerability in website software Equifax Equifax Data Breach – The Guardian 2013-12-21 Adobe Cyber-attack, exposed user…

  • “Penetration Testing” Colleges: A Nice List

    College Name Description URL Bentley University Offers a cybersecurity risk management certificate with diverse certification options, costing $9,900, emphasizing practical skills and inclusive career services. Bentley University Cybersecurity Bowie State University Provides graduate and bachelor’s degrees in computer science with a cybersecurity focus, recognized as a National Center of Academic Excellence. Bowie State Cybersecurity Butler…

  • Network Penetration Testing Tools – VirusTotal and Hybrid-Analysis

    In the dynamic realm of cybersecurity, network penetration testing emerges as a pivotal practice to fortify digital defenses. Technically these tools are for malware and vulnerability researchers, as well as threat intelligence, but they still serve certain purposes for pentesters! This proactive methodology involves simulating real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities and address potential threats before…

  • Cobalt Strike Shellcode Payloads – Network Penetration Testing

    shellcode development in network penetration testing