Tag: pentest

  • Professional Penetration Testing & Threats

    Safeguarding Against Global Cyber Threats In an era defined by digital connectivity, the proliferation of cyber threats emanating from state-sponsored actors and rogue entities poses a formidable challenge to organizations worldwide. As the custodian of our organization’s technological integrity, it is imperative that we remain vigilant in fortifying our cybersecurity defenses against the looming specter…

  • Pentest Cost & Scoping Factors

    In the prevailing security landscape, it is imperative for nearly every organization to undertake network penetration testing, before a breach happens, and one of the major prevailing factors for smaller firms is the Pentest Cost. This strategic examination is not only cost-effective but also expeditious, with the majority of the effort concentrated in the initial…

  • 17 Breaches – Internal Network Pentest Could Have Prevented

    Date Company How Breached Company URL News Article 2013-12-19 Target Malware on Point-of-Sale systems Target Target Data Breach – CNBC 2014-09-02 Home Depot Malware in point-of-sale systems Home Depot Home Depot Confirms Breach – KrebsOnSecurity 2017-09-07 Equifax Exploited a vulnerability in website software Equifax Equifax Data Breach – The Guardian 2013-12-21 Adobe Cyber-attack, exposed user…

  • “Penetration Testing” Colleges: A Nice List

    College Name Description URL Bentley University Offers a cybersecurity risk management certificate with diverse certification options, costing $9,900, emphasizing practical skills and inclusive career services. Bentley University Cybersecurity Bowie State University Provides graduate and bachelor’s degrees in computer science with a cybersecurity focus, recognized as a National Center of Academic Excellence. Bowie State Cybersecurity Butler…

  • Best Internal Network Pentest Tools – Guide

    In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the importance of securing internal networks cannot be overstated, & here are some of the best internal network pentest tools, below. You can also find an expansive list of some of my favorite pentest repo’s – here. As organizations strive to safeguard their digital assets from potential threats, internal…

  • OSINT Pentest Tools & Covert Strategies

    Embarking on the frontier of cybersecurity, pentesters navigate a labyrinth of challenges armed with a sophisticated arsenal of internal network pentest tools. In this extensive exploration, we dive deep into the intricate world of internal network penetration testing, the layers of open-source tools, the finesse of OSINT techniques, and the covert strategies crafted by skilled…

  • Navigating the Cybersecurity Horizon: The Evolution and Imperative of Network Penetration Testing Companies

    Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the prominence of network penetration testing companies cannot be overstated. As organizations grapple with the relentless surge in data breaches, the historical trajectory of these companies and the imperative for their services become crucial aspects to explore. This comprehensive article delves into the historical evolution of the industry,…

  • Network Penetration Testing: Exploring Ring0

    I. Introduction Network penetration testing is an art that requires a deep understanding of system vulnerabilities. This article takes a code-centric approach to dissect an advanced attack vector: the journey from the network entry point to achieving Ring Zero exploitation on a host. Brace yourself for an in-depth exploration, where code snippets guide us through…

  • Network Penetration Testing

    I. Introduction A. The Growing Importance of Network Security In an interconnected digital landscape, where data is the new currency, the security of computer networks has become paramount – enter network penetration testing. Organizations store sensitive information, conduct transactions, and communicate through networks, making them susceptible to cyber threats. As technology advances, so do the…

  • Strategic Imperative of Penetration Testing

    The threat landscape for cyberattacks has become more sophisticated and pervasive than ever before. As the custodian of sensitive data and valuable assets, organizations must proactively fortify their defenses against malicious actors. One indispensable tool in the cybersecurity arsenal is penetration testing, a strategic practice that simulates real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities and strengthen security…