17 Network Pentest Repo’s

This post is an expansive post on where to find some of the best network pentest repo’s.

One of my all time favorite repo’s is hybrid-analysis.com. This tool is great for finding strings and hashes, and finding malware and compromised hosts that may be linked to other computer network’s or nation state APT’s.

Network penetration testing relies heavily on a diverse range of tools, scripts, and resources that are often housed in dedicated repositories. These repositories serve as centralized hubs where security professionals, ethical hackers, and penetration testers can access, contribute, and collaborate on tools and methodologies specifically designed for assessing and securing network infrastructure. Read on for more of the best network pentest repo’s…

Network Pentest Repo's

1. Network Pentest Repo’s Overview

Network pentest repo’s are essential resources for professionals seeking to evaluate the security of networked systems. These repositories host a plethora of tools, scripts, and documentation tailored to assess vulnerabilities, discover misconfigurations, and identify potential weaknesses within network environments. Read on for more of the best network pentest repo’s…

2. Centralized Access to Network Pentest Tools

These repositories offer a centralized location for security enthusiasts to discover and access a wide array of network pentest tools. Whether it’s tools for port scanning, packet analysis, or exploiting vulnerabilities, these repositories bring together a variety of resources to streamline the network penetration testing process.

3. Open-Source Collaboration in Network Pentesting

One of the key advantages of network pentest repositories is their open-source nature, fostering collaboration among security professionals globally. Ethical hackers and security researchers contribute their expertise to enhance existing tools and develop new ones, creating a dynamic ecosystem that evolves to address emerging threats.

Network Pentest Repo's

4. Comprehensive Network Pentest Frameworks

Network pentest repo’s often host comprehensive frameworks that provide a structured approach to conducting penetration tests. These frameworks guide professionals through the entire process, from initial reconnaissance to exploitation and post-exploitation activities, ensuring thorough assessments of network security.

Network Pentest Repo's

5. Up-to-Date Exploits and Vulnerabilities

Security is an ever-evolving field, and network pentest repositories play a crucial role in keeping professionals informed about the latest exploits and vulnerabilities. Regular updates and contributions from the community ensure that tools are current and effective in identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities.

6. Educational Resources for Network Pentesting

Beyond tools, these repo’s serve as valuable educational resources for individuals looking to enhance their network penetration testing skills. Documentation, tutorials, and guides provide insights into methodologies, best practices, and real-world scenarios, making them invaluable learning platforms.

7. Community-Driven Development and Support

Network pentest repos thrive on community-driven development and support. The collaborative nature of these repositories encourages active participation, with contributors offering insights, suggestions, and support to ensure the continuous improvement of tools and frameworks.

8. Adapting to Evolving Network Threats

In an ever-changing threat landscape, network pentest repositories play a pivotal role in helping security professionals adapt to new challenges. The collective intelligence of the community enables the rapid development of countermeasures against evolving threats, making these repositories indispensable assets in maintaining network security.

In conclusion, network pentest repositories are central to the cybersecurity landscape, providing a dynamic platform for professionals to access, collaborate, and advance their network penetration testing capabilities. Their open-source nature, comprehensive toolsets, and community-driven ethos make them instrumental in fortifying network security measures and staying ahead of emerging threats. Security professionals looking to bolster their skills and organizations seeking robust network security solutions should embrace these repositories as vital resources in the ongoing battle against cyber threats. Read on for more of the best network pentest repo’s…

Data RepositoryDescriptionWhat It DoesURL
GitHubCode hosting platformHosts source code repositories for various toolshttps://github.com/
Exploit Database (Exploit-DB)Exploits and ShellcodesProvides a database of exploits and shellcodeshttps://www.exploit-db.com/
National Vulnerability Database (NVD)Vulnerability informationProvides vulnerability information and CVSS scoreshttps://nvd.nist.gov/
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)Standardized vulnerability namesIdentifies and standardizes names for vulnerabilitieshttps://cve.mitre.org/
OSINT FrameworkOpen Source Intelligence (OSINT)Collection of various OSINT tools and resourceshttps://osintframework.com/
ShodanSearch engine for Internet-connected devicesScans and indexes devices on the internethttps://www.shodan.io/
CRT.shCertificate Transparency SearchProvides information about SSL/TLS certificateshttps://crt.sh/
Have I Been Pwned (HIBP)Data breach searchChecks if email addresses have been compromisedhttps://haveibeenpwned.com/
VirusTotalFile and URL analysisScans files and URLs for potential threatshttps://www.virustotal.com/
CensysInternet-wide scanningDiscovers devices and services on the internethttps://censys.io/
GreyNoiseInternet-wide scan dataIdentifies and categorizes internet-wide scan datahttps://greynoise.io/
Talos IntelligenceThreat intelligenceProvides threat intelligence on various threatshttps://www.talosintelligence.com/
PacketTotalPacket capture analysisAnalyzes and visualizes packet capture fileshttps://www.packettotal.com/
Wayback Machine (Internet Archive)Web page archiveCaptures and stores snapshots of web pageshttps://archive.org/web/
Packet Storm SecuritySecurity-related contentOffers security-related tools, exploits, and advisorieshttps://packetstormsecurity.com/
VulnersVulnerability search engineAggregates information on vulnerabilities and exploitshttps://vulners.com/
Rapid7 Nexpose Community Feed (Nexpose DB)Vulnerability database for NexposeProvides the community feed for Nexpose vulnerability scannerhttps://www.rapid7.com/blog/post/ripe-for-exploitation-the-nexpose-community-feed-now-available-for-metasploit/

Let’s delve into a comprehensive exploration of the listed data repositories, highlighting their purposes, functionalities, and the impact they have on security professionals, researchers, and organizations. Read on for more of the best network pentest repo’s…


Description: GitHub is a web-based platform widely used for version control and collaborative software development. It allows developers to host, review, and manage code repositories.

What It Does: GitHub serves as a central hub for open-source projects, including numerous cybersecurity tools and frameworks. Security professionals leverage GitHub to access and contribute to the latest developments in penetration testing, network security, and threat intelligence.

URL: GitHub

Exploit Database (Exploit-DB)

Description: Exploit-DB is a comprehensive archive of exploits and shellcodes. It offers a wealth of information about vulnerabilities and provides ready-to-use exploits.

What It Does: Security researchers and penetration testers use Exploit-DB to find and test known vulnerabilities, aiding in the identification and mitigation of security risks.

URL: Exploit-DB

National Vulnerability Database (NVD)

Description: NVD is a U.S. government repository that provides information about software vulnerabilities. It is part of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

What It Does: NVD aggregates vulnerability data, assigns Common Vulnerability and Exposure (CVE) identifiers, and calculates Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) scores. It serves as a centralized source for vulnerability information.

URL: National Vulnerability Database (NVD)

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)

Description: CVE is a standardized system for uniquely identifying and naming vulnerabilities in software and hardware.

What It Does: CVE assigns unique identifiers to vulnerabilities, providing a standardized way to reference and discuss security issues across the cybersecurity community.

URL: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)

OSINT Framework

Description: OSINT Framework is a collection of various open-source intelligence (OSINT) tools and resources. It aids in the discovery of information from publicly available sources.

What It Does: OSINT Framework simplifies the process of gathering intelligence on individuals, organizations, or any target of interest by providing a curated list of OSINT tools.

URL: OSINT Framework


Description: Shodan is a search engine designed to find devices connected to the internet. It scans and indexes devices based on various parameters, providing a unique perspective on the global internet landscape.

What It Does: Shodan allows security professionals to identify open ports, vulnerable systems, and misconfigurations across the internet, making it a valuable tool for reconnaissance and threat intelligence.

URL: Shodan


Description: CRT.sh is a certificate transparency search tool that provides information about SSL/TLS certificates.

What It Does: CRT.sh helps in identifying and tracking SSL/TLS certificates issued for specific domains. It aids in certificate monitoring, ensuring the security of web applications.


Have I Been Pwned (HIBP)

Description: HIBP is a data breach search service that allows users to check if their email addresses and passwords have been compromised in known data breaches.

What It Does: HIBP raises awareness about compromised credentials, encouraging individuals and organizations to change passwords and adopt better security practices.

URL: Have I Been Pwned (HIBP)


Description: VirusTotal is a file and URL analysis service that aggregates results from various antivirus engines and website scanners.

What It Does: Security professionals use VirusTotal to scan files and URLs for potential threats, making it a valuable tool for malware analysis and threat detection.

URL: VirusTotal


Description: Censys is a search engine for internet-wide scanning. It discovers devices and services on the internet, providing insights into the global internet infrastructure.

What It Does: Censys enables security professionals to identify and analyze internet-facing devices, aiding in vulnerability assessments and threat intelligence.

URL: Censys


Description: GreyNoise collects and analyzes internet-wide scan data, categorizing and providing context to different types of scans.

What It Does: GreyNoise helps security professionals differentiate between benign and malicious scanning activities, allowing for a more informed response to potential threats.

URL: GreyNoise

Talos Intelligence

Description: Talos Intelligence is Cisco’s threat intelligence organization, providing information and analysis on cybersecurity threats.

What It Does: Talos Intelligence offers real-time threat intelligence, helping organizations understand and defend against evolving cyber threats.

URL: Talos Intelligence


Description: PacketTotal is a web-based tool for packet capture analysis. It allows users to upload and analyze packet capture files.

What It Does: PacketTotal aids in the analysis of network traffic, helping security professionals identify and investigate potential security incidents.

URL: PacketTotal

Wayback Machine (Internet Archive)

Description: The Wayback Machine is a digital archive of the World Wide Web, preserving snapshots of websites over time.

What It Does: The Wayback Machine allows users to access historical versions of websites, aiding in digital forensics, threat hunting, and incident response.

URL: Wayback Machine (Internet Archive)

Packet Storm Security

Description: Packet Storm Security is an online resource that provides a variety of security-related content, including tools, exploits, and advisories.

What It Does: Packet Storm Security serves as a repository for security professionals to access and share tools, exploits, and security advisories.

URL: Packet Storm Security


Description: Vulners is a vulnerability search engine that aggregates information on vulnerabilities, exploits, and security patches.

What It Does: Vulners simplifies the process of finding and tracking vulnerabilities, aiding security professionals in vulnerability management and mitigation.

URL: Vulners

Rapid7 Nexpose Community Feed (Nexpose DB)

Description: The Rapid7 Nexpose Community Feed provides a community-driven vulnerability database for the Nexpose vulnerability scanner.

What It Does: This community feed enhances Nexpose’s capabilities by providing up-to-date information on vulnerabilities, allowing organizations to identify and address security risks.

URL: Rapid7 Nexpose Community Feed (Nexpose DB)

The data repositories listed in the table play pivotal roles in the cybersecurity ecosystem. From hosting open-source tools and exploits to providing vulnerability information, these repositories empower security professionals, researchers, and organizations to stay informed, conduct thorough analyses, and bolster their defenses against evolving cyber threats. Each repository serves a unique purpose, contributing to the collective effort to enhance cybersecurity practices globally. This is my list of the best internal network pentest repo’s.


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